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Click & Collect

STEP 1 – Choose your product(s) online

Browse our selection of products, add your desired items to the cart, and proceed to checkout when you’re ready.

STEP 2 – Select Click & Collect at checkout

Choose the ‘Click & Collect’ option during checkout. You can view product availability on both the product and checkout cart pages.

STEP 3 – Wait to hear from us

After placing your order, you’ll receive a confirmation email and further updates when it’s ready for pickup. Please wait for our confirmation before coming to collect. 

Orders are usually ready within 90 minutes, but if there are any delays or issues with payment, we’ll contact you with an expected pickup time and date.

STEP 4 – Collect your order in-store within 28 days of purchase

Before visiting our store to pick up your order, please check our opening hours and bring your confirmation email and a valid photo ID (such as a driver’s license, proof of age card, government ID card, or passport). If someone else will be picking up your order on your behalf, please let us know in advance. They’ll also need to bring the confirmation email and a valid photo ID.

To qualify for same-day handling for ‘Click & Collect’, we must receive full payment or approval from a financial institution or third-party payment service by the cut-off time (this excludes public holidays).

Monday to Friday – 15:00
Saturday 11:00
Sunday – Off
(Brisbane local time)

We will hold your order for 28 days after notifying you that it is ready for pickup. If you don’t collect it within this time, we hold the right to cancel your order, allocate the products to another customer and reorder for you, or hold them for a longer period with a daily storage fee.
